Category: unsortables
iPhone5 power button repaired
Common issue. Power button got broken after a while, I switched to iPhone6, so this ‘old’ phone stayed forgotten. Then my son wanted to use it, so I had to repair it. Looked around, for the first time it as eligible to Apple repair program, but after a while my SN was removed, not sure why. Anyway, the off-warranty repair costs more than 2500CZK (w/o VAT), quite a lot. So I looked around and found few links. Ordered spare button/ribbon cable, few tools and .. got it repaired (but I have to admit, it was a tough fight) :)
Price to repair was (excluding tools) around $4.
Things ordered from Aliexpress:
- screwdriver (philips etc) with small bits
- spudger tool
- iSesamo opening tool
- switch flex table [spare part only needed]
Cool links to follow when repairing
PS: a small advice at the end. Sort your screws to small groups, on some sticker or a stick tape, put them in that order as removed – as there’s a bunch of really small screws and almost every one differs from others
Side by side images
Quick script. As I’ve got FLIR images of my house, I wanted to have them side by side – original image + FLIR. So I wrote some small (fast) script in bash to do that.
#!/bin/bash ir=IR_ img=DC_ im_start=$1 ir_start=$((im_start-1)) echo "Starting from $start - $(printf "%s%04d.jpg" $img $im_start)" echo "IR will be from $ir_start - $(printf "%s%04d.jpg" $ir $ir_start)" if [[ ! -f "$(printf "%s%04d.jpg" $img $im_start)" ]]; then echo "Image doesn't exist!" exit fi if [[ ! -f "$(printf "%s%04d.jpg" $ir $ir_start)" ]]; then echo "IR doesn't exist!" exit fi loop=1 while [ $loop -ne 0 ];do image=$(printf "%s%04d.jpg" $img $im_start) ir_image=$(printf "%s%04d.jpg" $ir $ir_start) combined_image=$(printf "flir-%04d-%04d.jpg" $im_start $ir_start) echo -n "$image + $ir_image --> $combined" montage -mode concatenate -tile x1 $image $ir_image $combined_image echo "..Done!" # increase im_start=$((im_start+2)) ir_start=$((ir_start+2)) #echo "Next file $(printf "%s%04d.jpg" $img $im_start)" # test if file? if [[ ! -f "$(printf "%s%04d.jpg" $img $im_start)" ]]; then loop=0 fi done
And the resulting image:
BCD Boot troubles and WinMagic encryption
I’ve got a notebook to repair – HP ProBook, where Windows boot ended up with an error message – something about BCD. Tried to repair with standard tools, like recovery DVD, but without any success.
It was because main partition with OS was encrypted with WinMagic. So, now what?
Got some tools and info from local HP service, so you need to find our or get:
- SDWinPEx64.iso
- SDWmgRecovery package
- encryption key or password (key is better)
So, now steps how to fix it:
- create bootable USB/DVD media with WinPE
- unpack and store SDWmgRecovery somewhere (USB flash)
- copy key to the same place
- boot with WinPE (takes a while, be patient)
- first of all, run TB Launcher/SD Recovery
- expand your hdd with all the partition and check Lock column
- select those with Lock as true (one by one)
- click Unlock and enter your password or open a key
- back to TB Launcher, open a file manager to check which disk letter belongs to Windows (eg. “d:”)
- open Console
- type bootsect /nt60 c: /force /mbr
- type bcdboot d:\windows /s c:
- reboot
It should be working fine now. :-)
Jak mít normální Vodafone Park
Ač uživatelem Vodafone, a platícím, používám i VF park. Ocenil jsem to na začátku – žádná reklama, solidní rychlost. Ale když VF přidal několik reklam v Flashi a další opičárny, co mi začaly znatelně zpomalovat počítač, rozhodl jsem se zasáhnout. Greesemonkey – to je ten zachránce.
Ford Mondeo Mk4.5 tips
use on your own responsibility
- test mode – turn off engine, press and hold “OK” button on stiring wheel and turn on the car (don’t start). Use up/down buttons.
- quick navigate from anywhere to the top menu – press and hold “left” button
Sony mp3 radio
- station test – turn on “radio”, press & hold “1” & “4” simultaneously, use “up”/”down” for switch screens, “off” to exit
- radio information – turn on “radio”, press & hold “1” & “6”
- radio & speaker test – turn on “radio”, press & hold “3” & “6” simultaneously or with “4” & “TA” buttons
- reset oil change indicator – close all doors, turn on the car (don’t start). Press & hold brake & accelerator pedal for a minimum of 15 seconds. Oil change indicator will turn off.
- change locking/unlocking doors mode – press & hold lock&unlock buttons on your remote control for 5secs to enable/disable double unlocking (unlock driver’s door and then others). Car will blink as a confirmation.
“turn on the car” = press start/stop button without a brake or switch the ignition to II. position
(ne)končící bordel
Ano, totální rekonstrukce parovodního vedení pro domovní výměníky společně s STL (středotlaký plynovod)… Bordel, hluk, nemožnost jít do paneláku po silnici – leda obejít celý blok. Super. Skvělý.
Mařenice 7.8.2010 – floods
Čištění EGR
Protože moje auto nejak nejede, a nikdo si s tím neví moc rady, pustil jsem se do vyčištění EGR ventilu. Vymontování docela šlo, musí se sundat hadice, odšroubovat část, co vede dolu a mírně ohnout a povolit další tři šrouby. Odpojit dvě podtlakové hadičky a EGR je venku. Na vyčištění jsem si vzal aceton, kartáček na zuby a ultrazvukovou čističku. Aceton krásně rozpustí karbon, ale je potřeba to často proplachovat, neboť ta potvora se nachytá hned zpět. Přikládám i pár foto.
PS: nezapomeňte na ochranné pomůcky, zvlášť s acetonem.
Turbo is gone
see the last image – the axis should be in one piece :(