Optimizing fluentd

We’re currently using (for one part of our infrastructure) logging into elasticsearch. We have fluentd collectors and kibana interface for viewing and searching through the logs. fluentd This is how it works. Logs are sent to fluentd forwarder and then over the network to fluentd collector, which pushes all the logs to elasticsearch. As we have plenty of logs, we need to incorporate some buffering – on both sides – using buffer_file statement in the fluentd config. Here is a part of our fluentd config from forwarder

<match ***>
  type forward
  send_timeout 60s
  recover_wait 10s
  heartbeat_interval 1s
  phi_threshold 16
  hard_timeout 120s

  # buffer
  buffer_type file
  buffer_path /opt/fluentd/buffer/
  buffer_chunk_limit 8m
  buffer_queue_limit 4096
  flush_interval 10s
  retry_wait 20s

  # log to es
    type file
    path /opt/fluentd/failed/

and the same for the collector

  type forward

<match log.**>
  type elasticsearch
  logstash_format true
  # elastic host
  port 9200
  logstash_prefix log

  # buffering
  buffer_type file
  buffer_path /opt/fluentd/buffer/
  flush_interval 5m
  buffer_chunk_limit 16m
  buffer_queue_limit 4096
  retry_wait 15s

So. For the forwarder, we’re using buffer with max 4096 8MB chunks = 32GB of buffer space. Forwarder is flushing every 10secs. For collector, we use bigger chunks, as elasticsearch is capable to handle it – but not using default 256MB chunks due to memory limitations. Flushing period is longer – and should be – recommended value is 5minutes. We can keep up to 64Gigs of buffer data.

What happens if one of the fluentd dies. Some data will be probably lost, when unsaved to buffer. But. When there’s connection lost or collector fluentd isn’t running, all logs, collected by forwarder, are stored into the buffer – and sent later. Which is great. The same when ES is down for some reason, collector node is still receiving data and is able to continue sending into ES after full recovery.

PS: don’t forget to make some tweaks to the system itself, like raise the limit for max files opened and some tcp tunning.

One thought on “Optimizing fluentd

  1. hey how flush_interval field used, because in my knowledge logs goes to buffer only if the collector goes down, so how flush_interval 5m related

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