If you’re using Bundler, you can simply add gem ‘pspdfkit’ to your Gemfile. See more on https://github.com/tmeinlschmidt/rm-pspdfkit
As I’ve started using this famous framework, I’d like to use it in my rubymotion application. So, there’s my setup to include this fmw in rubymotion project
- extract PSPDFKit anywhere
- create directory vendor in your RM project
- create symbolic link from your unzipped PSPDFKit to vendor/PSPDFKit.framework
cd vendor
ln -s ../../pdf/Products/PSPDFKit.embeddedframework/PSPDFKit.framework ./
cd ../resources
ln -s ../../pdf/Products/PSPDFKit.embeddedframework/Resources/PSPDFKit.bundle ./
and modify Rakefile accordingly
app.vendor_project('vendor/PSPDFKit.framework', :static, products: ['PSPDFKit'], headers_dir: 'Headers')
app.libs << '/usr/lib/libz.1.1.3.dylib'
app.frameworks += %w(MessageUI AssetsLibrary MediaPlayer PSPDFKit)
try rake , it should link and start simulator.
Next step
Add some PDF file into your app resources folder.
And then you can try to modify app/app_delegate.rb with simple example:
class AppDelegate
def application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions)
documentURL = NSBundle.mainBundle.resourceURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent "DevelopersGuide.pdf"
@document = PSPDFDocument.PDFDocumentWithURL documentURL
pdfController = PSPDFViewController.alloc.initWithDocument @document
navController = UINavigationController.alloc.initWithRootViewController pdfController
@window = UIWindow.alloc.initWithFrame(UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds)
@window.rootViewController = navController