LPCXpresso finally beaten. Installed new v5, imported all the CMSIS needed and setup brand new, my very first, MCU example code :) I’m using LPC1769 sample board from Embedded Artists.
#ifdef __USE_CMSIS
#include "LPC17xx.h"
#include <cr_section_macros.h>
#include <NXP/crp.h>
// Variable to store CRP value in. Will be placed automatically
// by the linker when "Enable Code Read Protect" selected.
// See crp.h header for more information
__CRP const unsigned int CRP_WORD = CRP_NO_CRP ;
int main(void) {
// Set P0_22 to 00 - GPIO
LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 &= (~(3 << 12));
// Set GPIO - P0_22 - to be output
LPC_GPIO0->FIODIR |= (1 << 22);
volatile static uint32_t i;
while (1) {
LPC_GPIO0->FIOSET = (1 << 22); // Turn LED2 on
for (i = 0; i < 1000000; i++);
LPC_GPIO0->FIOCLR = (1 << 22); // Turn LED2 off
for (i = 0; i < 1000000; i++);
return 0;
and the same in assembler (from http://pygmy.utoh.org/riscy/cortex/led-lpc17xx.html)
;;; led-lpc17xx.asm
;;; written by Frank Sergeant
;;; frank@pygmy.utoh.org
;;; http://pygmy.utoh.org/riscy
;;; This program is in the public domain. See http://pygmy.utoh.org/riscy/cortex/
;;; for notes about the program and how to assemble, link, and burn to flash.
;;; Blink the LED on the LPCXpresso LPC1769 ARM Cortex M3 board
;;; (or any LPC17xx ARM board with perhaps minor modifications).
;;; The LED on the Xpresso board is labeled LED2 and is just to the
;;; left of (inside of) J6-36. It is connected to P0.22. The LED is
;;; on when P0.22 is high.
;;; Directives
.thumb ; (same as saying '.code 16')
.syntax unified
;;; Equates
.equ LED_MASK, 0x00400000 ; i.e., bit 22
.equ PINSEL0, 0x4002C000
.equ PINSEL1, 0x4002C004
.equ FIO0DIR, 0x2009C000 ; port direction, 0 (default) = input
.equ FIO0MASK, 0x2009C010 ; port direction, 0 (default) = input
.equ FIO0PIN, 0x2009C014
.equ FIO0SET, 0x2009C018
.equ FIO0CLR, 0x2009C01C
.equ STACKINIT, 0x10004000
.equ LEDDELAY, 300000
.section .text
.org 0
;;; Vectors
.word STACKINIT ; stack pointer value when stack is empty
.word _start + 1 ; reset vector (manually adjust to odd for thumb)
.word _nmi_handler + 1 ;
.word _hard_fault + 1 ;
.word _memory_fault + 1 ;
.word _bus_fault + 1 ;
.word _usage_fault + 1 ;
ldr r6, = PINSEL1
;; set P0.22 as a GPIO pin
;; P0.22 is controlled by bits 13:12 of PINSEL1
;; xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx11 xxxx xxxx xxxx
;; 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0
ldr r0, [r6]
bic r0, r0, # 0x00003000 ; clear bits 13:12 to force GPIO mode
str r0, [r6]
;; set LED output pin (i.e. P0.22) as an output
ldr r6, = FIO0DIR ; for PORT0
mov r0, # LED_MASK ; all inputs except for pin 22
str r0, [r6]
;; r0 still contains LED_MASK
ldr r5, = FIO0CLR
ldr r6, = FIO0SET
str r0, [r5] ; clear P0.22, turning off LED
ldr r1, = LEDDELAY
subs r1, 1
bne delay1
str r0, [r6] ; set P0.22, turning on LED
ldr r1, = LEDDELAY
subs r1, 1
bne delay2
b loop ; continue forever
_dummy: ; if any int gets triggered, just hang in a loop
add r0, 1
add r1, 1
b _dummy